A Walk Under Fuji Blossoms and Beautiful Wisteria Trilles
After sakura blossoms, fresh green leaves glow and some flowers bloom on
some green spots. A wisteria is one of the flowers starts blooming in April.
Japanese loves to see and it is called Fuji in Japanese. Many clusters
of pale purple wisteria blossoms hanging down from trellises are excitingly
beautiful under the blue sky.
There are many wisteria trellises near some bus stops and in some parks in Edogawaku, and the trellis in the residence of Ichinoe Nanushi Yashiki is specialy wonderful. Ichikawashi has popular spots for viewing wisteria blossoms, Miyakubosan Kokenji Temple has a large wistera trellis and it holds Fuji Matsuri (the wisteria festival) from April 29th to May 5th. And Shogyoji in Kashiwai, Manyo Botanical Garden in Ono and Yosizawa Garden Gallery have them.
In this page, some noted spots for viewing wisteria blossoms in Ichikawa
and Edogawaku are introduced. Why don't you visit them?