
Nakayama is in between Narita And Haneda International Airport

自転車で行く中山・下総・散歩道cycling in nakayama shimousa

The pages that are linked under this page suggest some courses to the noted spots in this site 'A Walk in Nakayama Shimousa' by bicycle. This site had started to introduce some spots built in Nakayma areas it has been reached to Sumidaku that is next to Edogawaku. At first, this site had introduced some courses for trips on foot, then, the title of it was named 'A Walk in Nakayama Shimoua'. But it is too wide to go on one day trips on foot.
I went to the spots to take pictures by mama-chari (a city bike) first, now I went to by a road bike. Then I decided to write the pages entitled 'Riding on a Bicycle in Nakayama Shimousa', it is pages that every course to go to some noted spots related to every one topic. Actually, there are several courses that everybody could choose them on one's way, it is a suggestion to go the spots easily.
Anyway, this site is 'A Walk in Nakayama Shimousa', then, most courses would be started at Nakayama or near Nakayam.
Though I wrote that I went to the spots by my road bike recently, I suggest you to go on the courses by mama-chari (city bikes). It is too fast to see some exciting views on one's way to them by the road bike. Therefore, it is the best to go there by mama-chari, so it is not so fast. However, there are many slopes that cyclists must climb, then it is useful that cyclists go to them by electric assist bicycle. If so, everybody uses the electric power only to go on the slopes. In addition, the courses on this page is not cycling roads, it is a road in residential areas and highways, so the cyclists take care of riding on. And the cyclists could enjoy to see the beautiful views and could find something new on their way to them with their slow speed.
Every course is basically on the way to some noted spots having some seasonal flowers. Why don't you ride on your bike there?

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Riding on a Bicycle in Nakayama Shimousa

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