
Nakayama is in between Narita And Haneda International Airport

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The Stone Yoritomo Minamoto's Horse Held On 

The stone Yoritomo Minamoto's horse held on
Some legends of the founder of Kamakura Bakufu (Shogunate) and the first Shogun, Yoritomo Minamoto remain in Ichikawa city. According to Azuma Kagami that describes how Yoritomo and Kamakura Bakufu gained and kept the political power shows him visit the provincial capital of Shimousa (now in Ichikawa city). And the records of Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine tell that Yoritomo visited it to pray for his success and he rebuilt the main hall later. It was written on the surface of Genko no Bonsho Bell preserved in the shrine that Yoritomo deeply believed it. This stone his horse was held on remains in Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine during his visit.
Moreover, there are several legends of Yoritomo Minamoto in Ichikawa city. In Shirahata Jinja Shirine, a stone tablet scribing Sodekake no Matsu (a pine tree hanging a sleeve) that Yoritomo would also hang his sleeve on remains. And Yoritomo encamped Shirahata Jinja Shrine and Shirahata Tenjinsha Shrine, so they named 'Shirahata (white flags)' that Yoritomo's banner was. The area name 'Onigoe' was came from a tanka poem that Yoritomo's retainer Tanenori to created. And legends say that an old Udon shop 'Sasaya Udonten' in Gyotoku was named by Yoritomo.
Some say Kamakura in west and Ichikawa in east, Ichikawa may have several Yoritomo's remains and legends.
Anyway, the Stone Yoritomo's Horse Held, Yawata no Yabushirazu and Senbon Icho Gingko Tree were counted as three mysterious spots in Yawata.

* Some pictures on this page are taken before the renovation.

The Stone Yoritomo Minamoto's Horse Held On

The Stone Yoritomo Minamoto's Horse Held On

General Yoritomo Minamoto got the command from the Prince Mochihito to hunt down and kill Heike or Taira Family in Kyoto in 1180 and he raised his army, but he lost the battle at Ishibashiyama in Sagami Province. Yoritomo escaped to Awa province by sea to come back. Under his flag, Chiba Family and some samurai worriers gathered, Yoritomo Minamoto met them at the provincial capital of Shimousa in Konodai and he visited Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine to pray for his success in battles. At that time, his horse put its forefoot on this stone, so it has the remain of its hoof on it, then the stone is called 'Minamoto no Yoritomo Ko Koma dome no ishi (the stone Yoritomo Minamoto's horse held on'.

江戸名所図会6 ちくま学芸文庫
房総叢書 紀元二千六百年記念 第8卷葛飾紀
房総叢書 紀元二千六百年記念 第6卷葛飾誌略
房総叢書 紀元二千六百年記念 第1卷下総式社考
改訂新版 市川のむかし話

The Location and Access to Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine

Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine

the map to Katsushika Hachimangu

The Map to Katsushika Hachimangu

PDF of the Map to Katsushika Hachimangu
the landmarks in Sugano and Yawata

The map in Sugano and Yawata where Kafu Nagai having lived in

The map to the landmarks related to Kafu Nagai in Sugano

  • Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine has great accessibilities from both Narita and Haneda International Airport.
  • From Narita International Airport, take Keisei-line and get off Keisei Yawata Sta, take minimally 45 minutes from Narita Airport. And also take JR Sobu-express line, transfer the line at Funabashi to Keisei-line, get off Keisei Yawata Sta.
  • From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Keisei Yawata Sta.
  • Take 5 minute walk from Keisei Yawata Sta.
  • 4-2-1 Yawata, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken

The Scenaries in Katsushika Hachimangu Shirne

the stone Yoritomo Minamoto's horse stopped

The Stone Yoritomo Minamoto's Horse Held On

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