Orihime Jinja Shrine(Colton Jinja Shrine)

There is a small shrine located on the central part of
Nikke Colton Plaza, it is called
Orihime Jinja Shrine or Colton Jinja Shrine. Nikke Colton Plaza is a shopping
mall with gym, golf, tennis courts and movie theaters in its site, and
there are
Chiba Museum Of Science And Industry and
Media Park Ichikawa next to the mall. Moreover the site is surrounded much green by many trees
and seasonal flowers. The center of the mall, so the site of Orihime Jinja
Shrine is covered with much green grass, seasonal flowers and many trees
like woods, so the site is called Nikke Chinju-no-mori means woods protecting
Nikke. Moreover there is a garden eastern side of the shrine, it looks
like an English garden and has many seasonal flowers every four season.
Orihime Jinaja Shrine and Nikke Chinju-no-mori is wonderful place for everybody
to spend his/her leisure time.
The Introduction Of Orihime Jinja Shrine(Colton Jinja Shrine)
Orihime Jinja Shrine(Colton Jinja Shrine)
This shrine dedicates
Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess).
In early Showa Era, Orihime Jinja Shrine was built as a branch shrine of
Ise Kotai Jingu Shrine in
Mie Prefecture for dedicating Amaterasu Omikami in this woods at the factory in Nakayama
of Kyoritsu Muslin Co, in Onitaka in Ichikawa City. In 1941, Kyoritsu Muslin
Co became Nihon Keori Co (Nikke), and in 1988, Nikke Colton Plaza was built
and it succeeded to save Orihime Jinja Shrine. The sanctuary of the shrine
was built in 1936, and the roof was changed from thatched roof to copper
roofing in 1971.
Orihime Jinja Shrine is worshipped as a goddess of business, matchmaking, academic achievement and warding off evil and bringing in good fortune.
The Annual Events
1. New Year's Ceremony in January 2nd
1. First Horse Day festival in the first horse day in February
1. Grand Festival in November 25th
Spring at Orihime Jinja Shrine(Colton Jinja Shrine)
Orihime Jinja Shrine at Nikke Colton Plaza
- Nikke Colton Plaza has a great accessibility from both Narita and Haneda
International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Keisei-line and get off Onigoe
Sta, take minimally 40 minutes from Narita Airport. And also take JR Sobu-express
line, transfer the line at Funabashi to Sobu-Local line, get off Shimousa-Nakayama
or Motoyawata Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and
get off Onigoe Sta.
- From Tokyo Sta, take Sobu-Express line bound to Chiba or Narita, transfer
the line to Sobu-Local line bound to Chiba, Tsudanuma, or Nishi-Funabashi
at Ichikawa Sta, get off Motoyawata or Shimousa-Nakayama Sta.
- From Akihabara Sta, take Sobu line bound to Chiba, get off Motoyawata or
Shimousa-Nakayama Sta.
- 10 minutes walk from south exit of Motoyawata Sta of JR Sobu Line OR shuttle
bus from north exit of Motoyawata Sta of Jr Sobu Line
- 10 minutes walk from south exit of Simousa Nakayama Sta of JR Sobu Line
- 5 minutes walk from Onigoe Sta of Keisei Line
- Walk along the road surrounding the mall or walk through the mall, Orihime Jinja Shirne is on the central part of Nikke Colton Plaza
- 1-1-1 Onitaka, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken
Landmarks near Orihime Jinja Shrine
Nikke Colton Plaza is covered with much green trees and beautiful flowers,
every season, you could find something new and wonderful in nature there.
Orihime Jinja Shrine(Colton Jinja Shrine)
Orihime Jinaja Shirine is a branch shrine for Ise Jingu Shrine (Naigu),
so Orihime Jinja Shrine dedicates Amaterasu Omikami.
Everybody from children to adults could enjoy experiencing and learning
about science and technology applying in industry.
Media park has the central library, kids library, museum of literature in Ichikawa and writers lived in Ichikawa and so on. It is good space to know Ichikawa City.
In the residential district, there is a small and deserted park, it is
called the Park Of Onitaka Remains excavated some remains there.
Nikke Colton Plaza is a shopping mall with some shops, restaurants, cafe,
movie theatres, gym, shrine garden and so on.