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The Blooming Cherry Blossoms in 2021 in Nakayama Shimousa

Spring in 2021 is coming. Some kind of cherry trees blooming in some noted spots in Ichikawashi and Edogawaku. This page presents some information of the blooming cherry blossoms in the landmarks such as Nakayama Hokekyoji, Mamagawa River, Mamasan, Shinkawa River, Komatsugawa Senbon Sakura Park. Both Ichikawa and Edogawa have many noted spots for viewing sakura blossoms, there are some kinds of cherry trees in the spots. Kawazu Sakura and Higan Sakura bloom earlier than Somei Yoshino. The information on this page would be updated day by day. Please check them and go to see the sakuras.

Information of flowering Sakura Blossoms

The Landmarks with Cherry Blossoms in 2021

Somei Yoshino Blossoms in Kasai and Funabori starts blooming in March 17th of 2021

令和3年船堀スポーツ公園桜の開花1 令和3年船堀スポーツ公園桜の開花2 令和3年宇喜田公園の桜の開花1 令和3年新川千本桜の開花1 令和3年二之江妙勝寺の桜の開花1 令和3年二之江妙勝寺の桜の開花2
March 17th, Somei Yoshino Sakura Blossoms (the most popular cherry blossoms in Japan) along Shinkawa River, in Ukita Park, in Gyosen Park, in Ichinoe Sakaigawa Water Park, in Funabori Sports Park and in Ninoe Myoshoji start blooming. It might be that the sakura blossoms in Ichikawashi and Edogawaku would start blooming.

Weeping Cherry Blossoms in Mamasan Guhoji start blooming in March 15th of 2021

令和3年真間山弘法寺伏姫桜の咲き始め1 令和3年真間山弘法寺伏姫桜の咲き始め2 令和3年真間山弘法寺一分咲きの宇賀桜1 令和3年真間山弘法寺一分咲きの宇賀桜2
March 15th, a weeping cherry tree called 'Fushi Hime Sakura' (the princes Fushi) and 'Uga Sakura' in Mamasan Guhoji have some blossoms on them.

Weeping Cherry Blossoms in Tekona Reishindo start blooming in March 15th of 2021

令和3年手児奈霊神堂の白い桜1 令和3年手児奈霊神堂の白い桜2 令和3年手児奈霊神堂の白い桜3 令和3年手児奈霊神堂の白い桜4 令和3年手児奈霊神堂のしだれ桜1 令和3年手児奈霊神堂のしだれ桜2
Marcxh 15th, white cherry blossoms behind the parking of Tekona Reishindo has fully been blooming and pink weeping cherry blossoms standing the center of the site start blooming.

Weeping Cherry Blossoms in Myogyoji have been blooming in March 14th of 2021

原木山妙行寺のしだれ桜令和3年 原木山妙行寺のしだれ桜令和3年2 原木山妙行寺のしだれ桜令和3年3 原木山妙行寺のしだれ桜令和3年4
March 14th, Shidare Sakura in Barakisan Myogyoji have been blooming.

Karami Sakura in Furukawa Water Park has been blooming in March 10th 2021

古川親水公園の咲き始めたカラミザクラ 古川親水公園の唐実桜の白い花
March 10th, Karami Sakura blossoms in Furukawa Water Park start blooming. It was from China and it has some fruit.

Kohigan Sakura in Furukawa Water Park starts blooming in March 9th 2021

古川親水公園の咲き始めたコヒガンサクラ 古川親水公園のコヒガンサクラ花々
March 9th, there are two Kohigan Sakura trees in Furukawa Water Park and one of the tree has a few blossoms.

Kansakura in Shinkawa Higashitume Park in March 4th of 2021

新川東詰公園の寒桜 新川東詰公園の満開の寒桜
March 4th, Kansakura in Shinkawa Higashitume Park has fully bloomed.

Yama Sakura on the bank of Shinnakagawa in March 4th of 2021

新中川河川敷に咲く白い山桜 新中川河川敷の白い山桜
March 4th, white blossoms of Yama Sakura on the west bank of Shinnakagawa start blooming.

Shuzenji Kansakura in Furukawa Water Park in March 4th of 2021

古川親水公園に単独で立つ修善寺寒桜 古川親水公園の道端の修善寺寒桜 ほぼ満開の古川親水公園修善寺寒桜 たくさんの花をつけた古川親水公園の修善寺寒桜
March 4th, Shuzenji Kansakura in Furukawa Water Park have fully bloomed.

Kawazu Sakura in Satomi Park in February 28th in 2021

里見公園の河津桜 少し葉っぱも見え始めた里見公園の河津桜 里見公園バラ園に咲く河津桜 里見公園河津桜の花々のすだれ
February 28th, some Kawazu Sakura trees planted on the rose garden in Satomi Park had been fully blooming, so they have some fresh green leaves.

Shuzenji Higansakura in Furukawa Water Park in February 24th of 2021

古川親水公園の修善寺彼岸桜 咲き始めた古川親水公園の修善寺彼岸桜 一分咲きの古川親水公園の修善寺彼岸桜 野鳥と古川親水公園の修善寺彼岸桜
February 24th, there are several Shuzenji Higansakura trees planted in Furukawa Water Park and they start blooming.

Kawazu Sakura by Shinkawabashi Bridge in February 24th of 2021

満開に咲く新川橋下の河津桜 青空に伸びる満開の新川端の河津桜 少し葉が見える新川橋下の河津桜 西日に輝く新川橋下の河津桜
February 24th, kawazu sakura by Shinkawabashi Bridge is fully blooming.

Kawazu Sakura on Edogawa Bank in February 23rd of 2021

江戸川土手上の河津桜 東京スカイツリーを見る河津桜 青空に伸びる江戸川土手上の河津桜 江戸川土手上七分咲きの河津桜
February 23rd, 70% of Kawazu Sakura blossoms on Edogawa bank near Ichikawa Station has been blooming. Visitors could enjoy seeing in this weekend.

Kawazu Sakura in Niihama Yacho no Rakuen in February 23rd of 2021

行徳野鳥の楽園の河津桜 野鳥の楽園鴨場近くの河津桜 行徳野鳥の楽園スイセンと河津桜 行徳野鳥の楽園菜の花と河津桜
February 23rd, Kawazu Sakura blossoms in Niihama Yacho no Rakuen has been blooming, so they have some green leaves among their blossoms.

Kawazu Sakura in Chisenin in February 20th of 2021

智泉院の見頃になった河津桜 智泉院ほぼ満開の河津桜 智泉院に咲く満開に近い河津桜 法華経寺仁王門と八分咲きの河津桜
February 20th, Kawazu Sakura in Chisenin looks full blooming. Visitors could be enjoy seeing the blossoms for a week.

Kawazu Sakura by Shinkawabashi Bridge in February 17th of 2021

新川橋下から眺めた咲き始めの河津桜 三分咲きの新川橋下の河津桜 新川橋下三分ほど咲き始めた河津桜 青空の下に咲く新川橋たもとの河津桜
February 17th, 30% of kawazu sakura blossoms on cherry trees planted along Shinkawa River by Shinkawabashi Bridge are blooming.

Kawazu Sakura along Shinnakagawa River in February 16th of 2021

瑞江大橋下一分咲き河津桜 一分咲きの瑞江大橋下の河津桜 数輪の花をつけた大杉橋近くの河津桜 数輪咲いた大杉橋近くの河津桜
February 16th, some kawazu sakura cherry blossoms are blooming on some trees planted along Shinnakagawa River.

Kawazu Sakuras in Chisenin in February 14th of 2021

blooming Kawazu Sakura in Chisenin little bit blooming Kawazu Sakura in Chisenin some cherry blossoms in Chisenin Kawazu Sakura in front of the Niomon
February 14, Kawazu Sakura trees in Chisenin begun blooming. Chisenin is on the left of Akamon Gate of Nakayama Hokekyoji, so they welcome people visiting Nakayama Hina Festival in this year. By the way, it bloomed fully in March 18 in 2 years ago, and February 24 in last year, so the blossoms blooming in this year might be as early as in last year. And a Kawazu Sakura tree in front of the gate have a few blossoms. Anyway, yellow lemon fruits look sparkling in the blue sky!
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