Honkakusan Jojuin Moshoji Temple in Ninoe

Honkakusan Jojuin Myoshoji Temple standing along
Furukawa Water Park in
Edogawaku was a noted old temple belonging to
Nichiren Shu was introduced in
Edo Meisho Zue (a guide book describing
Edo published in
Edo period). This temple has two mandalaes drawn by the second and third abbot of
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple, the venerable Nikko and Nichiyu, and it also has a portrait of
the Founder Nichiren drawn by
Mito Komon. According to Edo Meisho Zue, the statue of Nichiren it has was carved
by the venerable Nichiyu, too.
Moreover, there are many kinds of trees planted in Myoshoji Temple and
they bloom in every season and they decorate the garden beautifully. In
spring, visitors could enjoy seeing cherry blossoms in Myoshoji Temple
and the lined cherry trees along Furukawa Water Park in the same time.
After that weeping cherry blossoms, azaleas and wisterias bloom to welcome
the visitors. In fall, there are many beautiful colored leaves decorating
the temple's garden. A large gingko tree in the temple could be seen from
the highway.
Honkakusan Myoshoji Temple is a wonderful temple where seasonal flowers
bloom in every season. Why don't you visit it?
Honkakusan Jojuin Myoshoji Temple
Honkakusan Jojuin Myoshoji Temple
Myoshoji Temple belonging to Nichiren Shu was a core temple of Nakayama
Hokekyoji Temple had 14 branch temples and it named Honkakusan Jojuin.
Neighbors love it and called it 'Joujin' or 'Kuromon Dere'.
According to the record of the temple, a fisherman living in Ninoe Village
helped a boy on a wrecked boat washed ashore in 1284, the boy was a descendant
Taira Family. He became a disciple of the venerable Nikko, the 2nd abbot of Nakayama
Hokekyoji Temple. Later he became a priest of Buddhism named Jojuin Nissho
and built a small hat beside a Myoken shrine near Furukawa River.
This was the beginning of this temple happened in March 1307.
紙本墨書大曼荼羅 (A large mandalas drawn in ink on a paper was registered as a cultural asset of Edogawaku)
According the record of Myoshoji Temple, these two mandalas had been donated by Gonuemon Utsui in Kojima in 1843, it was the ages when the 32nd chief priest, Nisshin was managing it. And he asked Nichido, the 101st abbot of Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple to analyze them and he gave a written statement of expert opinion that stated that they were drawn by the venerable Nikko and Nichiyu. The statement exists in Myoshoji Temple now.
March 1991平成3年3月
Edogawaku Boad of Education
江戸名所図会6 ちくま学芸文庫
The Beautiful Garden in Myoshoji Temple
Cherry Blossoms blooming in Myoshoji Temple

Colored Leaves in Myoshoji Temple

Landmarks near Honkakusan Jojuin Moshoji Temple
It is the first water park in Japan and a famous spot for viewing Sakura and hydrangeas.。
This shrine is very beautiful with many tall pine trees and a giant zelkova tree in it.
The principle image is the statue of Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu carved by Gyoki.
This shrine stands where famous and popular tasty water flows in the river.
It is called Akamondera dedicates Shichimen Daimyojin.
Honkakusan Jojuin Myoshoji Temple
- Honkakusan Jojuin Myoshoji Temple has great accessibilities from both Narita and Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Sobu Express Line bound to Tokyo or Yokosuka and get off at Funabashi Sta, then transfer the line to Sobu line bound to Nakano or Mitaka ang get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keisei-line bound to Ueno and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off at Ichinoe Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Shinagawa Sta and transfer the line to Sobu Express line bound to Narita International Airport or Chiba, and transfer the line at Ichikawa Sta to Sob line bound to Nishi Funabashi, Tsudanuma or Chiba and get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off at Ichinoe Sta.
- From Iwamotocho Station at Akihabara, take Toei Shijuku line bound to Motoyawata and get off Ichinoe Sta.
- Take 12 minute walk from Ichinoe Sta.
- 6-7-15 Edogawa, Edogawaku, Tokyo
The Noted Spots around Funabori, Ichinoe and Kasai
Visitors could enjoy seeing some special views of Tokyo.
There are some Edo style, some wooden buildings and thousands of cherry trees along the river.
In spring, thousands of sakura along it beautifully bloom.
There are a Edo style fire lookout and an old lock gate in the plaza.
It is the first water park in Japan and a famous spot for viewing Sakura
and hydrangeas.
Honkakusan Myoshoji Temple
There are some seasonal flowers blooming in every season, sakura especially blooms beautifully.
There are several tall pine trees and a 500 years old giant zelkova tree in the shrine.
The principle image is the statue of Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu carved by Gyoki.
There is a stone tablet scribing a haiku poem written by Basho Matsuo.
The ferryport at Imai is appeared on an essey written by Socho, a renga poet in Muromachi period.
The park has many sakura and seasonal flowers, visitors could enjoy all seasons.
It has the legend 'the One-eyed Crucial Carps' telling the miracle power to cure eye diseases.
In spring, weeping cherry trees bloom, in fall, colored leaves decorate the garden.
The traditional Japanese style residence with a thatched roof.
It is an important temple to know the history of Ichinoe area.
It has tombs of Kabuki Yakusha and it is called Yakushadera.
The areas along the river have many noted spots that people could enjoy history and culture.
There are some historical and cultural spots along the river.