Dairokutensha Shrine in Innai Funabashi

Dairokutensha is a small shrine standing in Innai,
Funabashi. January 26th of 1947,
Kafu Nagai visited the shrine and he wrote it in his diary 'Danchotei Nichijo', 'We
crossed a small stream and went up a slope, so we saw a small forest in
rice fields. Under a tree, there was an abandoned shrine, and a large camelia
tree was in the forest and it had had some flowers. I asked it an old woman
who came on there, and she said that it was a shrine dedicating Dairokuten
and anyone who broke off a twig in the site had to get in trouble. Now
the shrine stands in the residential areas of Funabashi City. It has been
changed for years. But Dairokutensha could show the views that Kafu had
seen here, the large trees could be remained for several decades. Why don't
you visit Dairokutensha in Innai?
新版 断腸亭日乗 第六巻 岩波書店
Dairokutensha in Innai
- Dairokutensha Shrine in Innai has great accessibilities from both Narita
and Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Keisei-line and get off Keisei Nishifuna Sta or Higashi Nakayama Sta, take minimally 40 minutes from Narita Airport. And also take JR Sobu express line, transfer the line at Funabashi to Sobu Local line, get off Nishi Funabashi Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Keisei Nishifuna Sta or Higashi Nakayama Sta.
- From Tokyo Sta, take Sobu Express line bound to Chiba or Narita, transfer the line to Sobu-Local line bound to Chiba, Tsudanuma, or Nishi Funabashi at Ichikawa Sta, get off Nishi Funabashi Sta.
- From Akihabara Sta, take Sobu line bound to Chiba, get off Nishi Funabashi Sta.
- Take 14 minute walk from Keisei Nishifuna Sta, and take 18 minute walk
from Nishi Funabashi Sta.
- 3-3-5 Innai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba-ken
The Noted Places on the Diary Written by Nagai Kafu
Kafu Nagai visited it and wrote it on his diary several times.
Kafu Nagai visited it in May 8th and 9th 1946 and wrote it.
Kafu visited it in December 4th of 1946.
Kafu visited it in May 9th, 1946.
Kafu visited it in November 30th of 1946 and saw the sculptures on the
Kafu visited this famous shrine in May 8th of 1946 and wrote it on his
Kafu wrote a tanka poem at this temple in spring.
A stone tablet inscribed with a sentence from his diary.
The shrine standing on the cliff having some cherry blossoms along its
Tekona is a legendary beauty appeared on Manyoshu and many poets wrote
her in their works.
Hakushu Kitahara once lived and the temple has a famouse well named 'Mama
no I' in its site.
This temple standing on the remains of Shimousa Kokubunji Temple built
in Nara period.
Kafu wrote of this old house in March 18th of 1946 in his diary.
Kafu wrote of it in September 12th of 1946 in his diary.
Kafu sometimes walked along the river with his umbrella.
Kafu often walked on the bank of Edogawa River.
Kafu often ate his dinner at shops near this station.
Kafu went to Gyotoku by bus and described the views of the area.
Kafu wrote of this shrine in Febraury 9th of 1946 in his diary.
Kafu found and introduced this well in his essay.
He visited it February 9th of 1947 in his diary.
Dairokuten Shrine in Innai
He visited it January 26th of 1947 in his diary.
He visited it August 3rd of 1946 and this shrine remains the views in
his ages.
He visited in October 19th 1947.
He was intrested in letters on the flag hung out at its festival.
It has a tanka poem by Kafu scribed on a stone tablet.
He often visited the area from 1948 to 1951.