Viewing Seasonal Flowers along Edogawa River

There are many kinds of flowers blooming in every season on banks and flood plains along
Edogawa River and the flowers give people peaceful time to feel comfortable. In spring,
Kawazu Sakura on the bank at Myoden and Ichikawa Minami bloom and they
tell people spring is coming, then cherry blossoms, dandelions and so forth
bloom on the fields along the river. In Koiwa Iris Garden, water lilies,
hydrangeas and irises bloom from late spring to early summer. In summer,
many big flowers called fireworks bloom in the sky. The fireworks festival
at Edogawa is held in every first Saturday of August by Ichikawa-shi and
Edogawaku, visitors could sit on the large flood plains and the banks to
see the fireworks, then almost million people come to see then every year. When manjushage
flowers starts blooming on the west bank of the river, fall comes.
Visitors could see many flowers along Edogawa River. Why don't you come Edogawa River?
* The picture of fireworks above is not a real image, it is a sample picture.
The Beautiful Blossoms along Edogawa River
Kawazu Sakura trees are planted on the banks near Ichikawa and Myoden Station.
There are some popular spots for viewing sakura blossoms along Edogawa River.
There are yellow beds on the east bank of Edogawa River, and some on the west bank.
Koiwa Iris Garden is one of the most popular spots for viewing the flowers in Tokyo.
Visitors could see ajisai and irises in stimutaneously in Koiwa Iris Garden.
There are millions of manjushage flowers along the west bank of Edogawa River.
The Noted Spots In The Areas Along Edogawa River
The short summary of Edogawa River.
Koiwa Iris Garden and Sakura
Irises, Kawazu Sakura and many kinds of flowers blooming.
People enjoy seeing the nature and culture in the areas.
It has about 900 years history and dedicates Ieyasu Tokugawa.
The park is the noted scenic spot to see cherry blossoms, roses and colored leaves with many historical heritages.
This temple is famous for Yoko no Matsu, a huge black pine tree designated as a National Natural Property.
It has been carrying people since Edo period.
It dedicates the Prince Takeru Yamato, one of the great hero in classic
It connects to Maeda Family in Kaga and Mamasan Guhoji.
Musashi Miyamoto and Basho Matsuo had passed the road.
It is a popular park with many trees, sakura and so on.
Visitors could see horses from the bank of Edogawa River.
It was much flourished as one of the Eastern Gates of Edo in Edo period.
There are some shadows of Edo in temples and shrines there.
Ieyasu Tokugawa used this ferry when he went hawking.
Socho first landed at Imai during his trip to Boso Peninsula.
Jokoji is famous for connecting to a famous renga poet Socho and a sengoku daimyo Ujiyasu Hojo.
It is the first water park in Japan with Sakura in spring and hydrangeas
in summer.
It has some Edostyle Landmarks and thousands of Cherry Trees.
It has some wonderful seasonal views along this river.
Viewing Seasonal Flowers along Edogawa River
On the banks, many beautiful flowers blooming.