Kakosan Genchiin Horenji Temple in Edogawaku

Horenji is a temple was built for Kihei Udagawa who had cultivated Kasai
Areas in early
Edo Period. According to Shinpen Musashi no kuni Fudokiko, it was built by Kihei
Ukita and his priest's name was Genchiin Kako Horen. While walking in Kita
Kasai Town, a large tiled roof is seen between large buildings. The main
hall of Horenji looks majestically huge that t stands on a piled foundation,
its floor is high and its roof is highly pitched. Standing in front of
the main hall, it seems dignified. The view from it, there are a big trimmed
pine tree, a bell tower, the gate and the buildings in
Edogawaku under the blue sky. Why don't you visit Kakosan Genchiin Horenji Temple?
Kakosan Genchiin Horenji
Horenji is a temple named Kakosan Genchiin belonging to Jodoshu. It was
a branch temple of Genhoji in Higashi Komatsugawa. The principle image
of the statue of about 65 centi-meter tall Amida Nyorai carved by Shotoku
Taishi. It was built by Sadatsugu a son of Kihei Ukita who cultivated Kasai
Areas. Sadatsugu, a son of Kihei, built this temple in 1626 on his father's
Sadauji Kihei Udagawa was born in Shingawa
Edo in 1533. He moved to Komatsugawa Village in 1555 and he cultivated a marsh overgrown with reeds in Kasai to be rice fields in 1596, so he named the field 'Ukita' after his name. The Shogun in Edo gave some fields. After that, he became a Buddhist priest named Horen and he stayed this place for his retirement. He passed away in 1620.
July 2008
Edogawaku Board of Education
Kakosan Genchiin Horenji
- Kakosan Genchiin Horenji has great accessibilities from both Narita and
Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Sobu Express Line bound to Tokyo
or Yokosuka and get off at Funabashi Sta, then transfer the line to Sobu
line bound to Nakano or Mitaka ang get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keisei-line
bound to Ueno and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and
Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off
at Funabori Sta. Or transfer the line at Nishi-funabashi to Tozai line
of Tokyo Metro bound to Nakano or Mitaka, get off Nishi Kasai Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, ake Keikyu-line bound to Narita, transfer
the line at Nihonbashi to Tozai line of Tokyo Metro bound to Nishifunabashi,
Tsudanuma or Katsutadai, get off Nishi Kasai Sta.
- From Iwamotocho Station at Akihabara, take Toei Shijuku line bound to Motoyawata and get off Funabori Sta.
- From Tokyo (Otemachi) Sta, take Tozai line of Tokyo Metro bound to Nishi-funabashi,
Tsudanuma or Katsutadai, get off Nishi Kasai Sta.
- Take 15 minute walk from Nishi Kasai Sta and take 18 minute walk from Funabori
- 4-5-18 Kita Kasai, Edogawaku, Tokyo
The Noted Spots near Kakosan Genchiin Horenji
The park has many attractions for kids and for their parents.
There are many seasonal flowers in the park.
Many cherry blossoms bloom on lawn grounds under the sky.
Kakosan Ganchiin Horenji Temple
It was found for Kihei Udagawa, the pioneer of Kasai.
The park sounds like a secret garden, it has a ume and rose garden in it.
It has some Edostyle Landmarks and thousands of Cherry Trees along this
In spring, thousands of sakura along it beautifully bloom.
A fire lookout and an old lock gate are the symbols.
Kasai Daishi Mairi is a kind of the pilgrimage since Edo perid.
There are many temples in this small areas.