The Popular Sacred Places In A Walk On Nakayama Shimousa

Why do you go so far away from Tokyo, Haneda or Narita? You could find
many attractive spots in between Narita and Haneda International Airport,
so they are in the area introduced in this website 'A Walk On Nakayama
Shimousa'. And many temples and shrines are also introduced, and most of
them has been believed by not only neighbors but also people lived in
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple has been counted as one of the three great Kishimojin
in Edo,
Rohan Koda wrote the Kishimojin in his masterpiece 'Gojunoto'. And it is also famous
for holding
Nichiren Shu Dai Aragyo (the Grand Asceticism), over 100 priests gather Hokekyoji to enter in
the 100 days asceticism from November 1st to February 10th.
Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine was believed many samurais in Kanto such as
Masakado Taira,
Yoritomo Minamoto,
Dokan Ota and so on.
Moreover, the 33 Pilgrimages in
Gytoku and
Urayasu was a very popular trip in
Edo period.
There are some temples believed by people that they have miracle power to protect people from some diseases.
In this pages, temples and shrines believed as having miracle power to protect people from some disease. Why don't you visit
the sacred places in Nakayama Shimousa?
The Popular Sacred Places
Kishimojin has been believed by people in Edo since Edo period, and the Dai Aragyo is held at.
It is very famous for Senbon Icho Gingko Tree over 1200 years old and Samurais had been believed.
It is famous for 'Yoko no Matsu' a huge pine tree registered as a National Natural Property.
It dedicates Amaterasu Omikami and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
It dedicates Katori Myojin, the Prince Takuru Yamato and Ieyasu Togugawa.
The Sacred Places for Protecting from Eye Diseases
It has a statue of the Founder Nichiren having miracle power to protect from some eye diseases.
It has the story 'One-eyed Carp' that tells about the miracle power to cure eye diseases.
It is famous for the Yakushi who has power to cure eye disease.
The Scared Places for Raising Children and Getting Babies
Gozu Tenno Shrine in this temple is the famous god giving babies to faithful couples.
The statue of Chichinashi Nio in it is famous for giving mother power to raise children.
The Sacred Places for Protecting from Epidemics and Asthmas
It is famous for protecting from some epidemics.
It holds the incantations to cure asthma.
It has a local custom or tradition to cure some diseases.
It has been famous for getting rid of warts.
It has Shinabi Jizo having miracle power to cure skin disease.
It is dedicating the god to cure variola, primples and so on.
The Pilgrimages
This pilgrimage was very popular among people in Edo.
It is called Ichikawa Shichifukujin Meguri.
The Pilgrimage to Visit Kobo Daishi in Kasai
Under Construction
Some landmarks has mysterious, sad or humorous stories.
Some wonderful Daibutsu near Tokyo are introduced.
Let's go to see the statues of the Founder Nichiren!