The Blooming Cherry Blossoms in 2025 in Ichikawa and Edogawa
Spring in 2025 is coming. Some kind of cherry trees blooming in some noted
spots in
Ichikawashi and
Edogawaku. This page presents some information of the blooming cherry blossoms in
the landmarks such as Nakayama Hokekyoji, Mamagawa River, Mamasan, Shinkawa River, Komatsugawa Senbon Sakura Park. Both Ichikawa and Edogawa have many noted spots for viewing
sakura blossoms, there are some kinds of cherry trees in the spots. Kawazu Sakura and
Higan Sakura bloom earlier than Somei Yoshino. The information on this page would be updated day by day. Please check them and go to see the sakuras.
Information of flowering Sakura Blossoms
The Landmarks with Cherry Blossoms in 2025
March 26th, Someiyoshino Sakura blossoms along
Mamagawa River, in
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple, in
Myogyoji Temple, on
the east bank of Edogawa River on near Ichikawabashi bridge and Yanagihara Water Gate, in
Yagirinowatashi Park, in
Satomi Park, in
Mamasan Guhoji Temple, in
Tekonareishindo, in
Sakuradote Park and
Colton Jinja Shrine have started blooming. There are many trees and some of them have some
blossoms and others have few. On the both side of the east bank, millions
rape flowers have been blooming over it from Yanagihara Water Gate to Yagirinwatashi
March 25th, Someiyoshino Sakura blossoms on the south bank of
Shinkawa River, Funabori Sports Park,
Furukawa Water Park and
Myoshoji Temple in Ninoe have started blooming. Moreover, Ooshima Sakura along Shinkawa River also have done, and visitors could see its white blossoms and pale pink patals of Someiyoshino together. Along Furukawa water park, there are some Kohigansakura and Jindaisakura have been blooming.
March 23rd, a weeping cherry tree in Myogyoji Temple in Baraki Nakayam
has many blossoms on its branches.
March 23rd, a Shidare Sakura tree in
Kinkaisan Entonji Temple in Gyotoku has some blossoms on its branches.
March 22nd, a weeping cherry tree named 'Prince Fushihime' in Mamasan Guhoji
Temple has started blooming.
March 15th, a weeping cherry tree in Myogyoji Temple in Baraki Nakayam
has a few blossoms on its branches. Next week, it would be covered with
thousands of pale pink blossoms.
March 13th, six Shuzenji Kanzakura trees in Furukawa Water Park have many
blossoms on their branches.
March 10th, a Kawazu Sakura trees in
Chisenin Temple by
the red gate of Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple have thousands of blossoms. And the sakura tree behind the gate have not
some blossoms yet. However, the tree on the middle of the approach road
of Hokwkyoji Temple have some trees. But, the tree by
Nakayama Daibutsu have already started scattering its pink petals.
March 10th, Kawazu Sakura trees on
the Edogawa Bank in Ichikawa Minami have millions of pink blossoms on their branches.
March 10th, Kawazu Sakura trees on
the west bank of Edogawa River near Myoden Station have millions of pink blossoms on their branches.
March 6th, five Shuzenji Kanzakura trees in Furukawa Water Park have started
March 2nd, a Kawazu Sakura tree has many blossoms, but most trees on the
west bank of Edogawa River near Myoden Station do not have many. They have
started blooming.
March 2nd, Kawazu Sakura trees in
Niihama Yacho no Rakuen have many blosssoms on them.
March 2nd, most Kawazu Sakura trees in
Nagisa Park have many blossoms.
March 1st, Kawazu Sakura trees on the east bank of Kyunakagawa near Hirai Station have many blossoms.
March 1st, Kawazu Sakura trees on the Edogawa Bank in Ichikawa Minami have
started blooming.
March 1st, Kawazu Sakura trees on north side of the rose garden in
Satomi Park have many blossoms.
March 1st, a Kawazu Sakura trees in Chisenin Temple by the red gate of
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple have some blossoms. And Hikansakura in front
of the gate have started blooming. Kawazu Sakura trees along the approach
road of the temple have no blossoms, and a tree by Nakayama Daibutsu have
a few.
February 28th, about 20% of blossoms on Kawazu Sakura trees by Shinkawabashi
Bridge over Shinkawa River have been blooming.
February 23rd, Kawazu Sakura blossoms in Chisenin Temple by the red gate
of Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple have started blooming.
February 18th, Kawazu Sakura blossoms by the north end of Shinkawabashi
Bridge over Shinkawa River have started blooming.
February 15th, a Kawazu Sakura tree standing east side of them on north
side of the rose garden in Satomi Park have started blooming. Anyway, ume
blossoms have been fully blooming, and they could be more enjoyable for
visitors than the sakura blossoms now.
February 15th, a Kawazu Sakura tree on the Edogawa Bank in Ichikawa Minami
have started blooming.
January 30th, it uploads the page of the information of flowering Sakura
Blossoms in 2025 in Ichikawashi and Edogawaku. Last year, Kawazu Sakura
Blossoms in Chisenin Temple started blooming in Febraury 10th. And February
15th in 2023, Kawazu Sakura blossoms along Shinkawa River started. What
about in this year? It is very looking foward to the flowering. Anyway,
Kawazu Sakura along Shinakwa River would start blooming in the end of next
week. It could start earlier than it in last year. Of course, the flowering
day could be on this web site. Please wait for a week or so.