Kaishosan Shinzoin Temple called Ikazuchi Fudo in Kasai

Shinzoin is a temple in Higashi Kasai
Edogawaku belonging to
Buzanha in
Shingonshu. It is called Ikazuchi (thunder) and Namikiri (cutting waves) Fudo that has been deeply believed since
Edo Period. There is
a stone guidepost telling the way to Ikazuchi Fudo standing in this temple. This guidepost
had stood on the south bank at the easten end of
Shinkawa River. Now there is a signpost for describing the remains there. The stone guidepost
has some marks of mooring lines of boats on the river that tells many people
had visited Shinzoin a that time. On the south of this temple, a shrine
Ikazuchi Katori Jinja stands. Anyway, according to Shinpen Musashi no kuni Fudokiko, a geographic
guidebook describing
Musashi Province published in Edo period, Shinzoin was a branch temple of
Zenyoji in Koiwa famous for
Yoko no Matsu (a huge pine tree), and it was named Kaishosan. Kyoten or Sakuden who
was a priest passed away in March 25th of 1740 rebuilt the temple. The
principle image was the statue of Fudo Myouo. During the era of the Emperor
Gokashihar (1500~26), a man named Suzuki had have this sculpture as his
family treasure, but the fortunes of his family had been on the wane. He
thought that he had not taken care of the statue of Fudo Myouo and he would
like to build a temple to dedicate it. At that time, an old Buddhist monk
came him to ask a night stay his house. Then, he talked about his Fudo
to the monk. The monk found something miracle in it. So the monk built
a hall to dedicate it. This was the beginning of Shinzoin. The monk believed
in Fudo Myouo. One night, an itinerant Buddhist monk carrying this sculpture
on his back appeared on his dream, then the old monk checked the back of
the Fudo and he found two letters '翔摩 (shoma)' there. He then pleased that
it was excitingly graceful. To preserve it carefully, the door of the hall
had opened every May and September annually. Moreover, in Eiroku Era (1558~1570),
a big weather dissaster had happened, the buildings in the temples were
trembled and a part of an sword got out of the box. And there was much
blood scattered on the yard of the temple. People around Sinzoin thought
that the Fudo in this temple would beat the evils coming with the disaster
down. Since then, the sculpture has called Ikazuchi Fudo (thunder Fudo),
and many people believed that it has been said that this temple must not
be stricken by lightning. There were two swords preserved in Shinzoin,
one was very old and another one was found under a pine tree in this temple
in 1782.
In addition, Shinzoin is one of the temples of Kasai Daishi Mairi, the
pilgrimage to Daishi in Kasai.
Why don't you visit Kaishosan Shinzoin and Ikazuchi Katori Jinja?
Shinzoin (Ikazuchi Fudo)
Shinzoin is an old temple in Higashi Ukita Village built in Tenbun Era (1532 - 1554), it belongs to Buzanha in Shingonshu and is named Kaishosan. Its principle image is a wooden statue of a standing Fudo Myouo.
■ Namikiri and Ikazuchi Fudo
A fisherman who had a heavy storm at Tokyo Bay on the south of Kasai was
helped by light that a dragon on a pine tree in Shinzoin emitted. He found
a sword under the tree and dedicated it beside the statue of Fudo. Then
it has been called Namikiri Fudo. And the Fudo beat the thunder in the
heavy rain, then, it has been called Ikazuchi (thunder) Fudo.
■ Shomen Kongo on Koshinto Tower with letters 元禄11年 (1698) registered as
a cultural asset of Edogawaku
This stone tower was built by a group of villagers in Higashi Ukita called
Ikazuchikochu in 1698. There are some reliefs, Shomen Kongo who beats evil
epidemics stands center with two boys and four devils. This was the standard
design of this kind of the stone tower called Koshinto. It could be fixed
in 1805.
March 1987
Edogawaku Board of Education
The Stone Guidepost to Ikazuchi Fudo
It is a cultural asset as a historical record of Edogawaku
The principle image of Shinzoi is called Namikiri Fudo or Ikazuchi Fudo was very popular.
This Guidepost describing the way to Ikazudhi Fudo was built in 1818. It
was first on the south bank of the east end of Shinkawa river. Bu it was
broken in April 1991, and it was repaired and moved to the site in Shinzoin.
On the guidepost, there are some marks of mooring lines of boats going on Shinkawa River.
[The letters on the Stone Tower]
(Front) 雷不動明王 (Kaminari Fudo Myouo), (Right) 文政元戌寅年6月再建 (rebuilt in June
1818), (Left) 従是南十三丁 (about 1300 meters to the south), (Back) 海松山第十七世鏡融
(Kyoyu, the 17th chief priest of Kashosan),松□忠孝 書 (written by Tadataka
Matsuguchi), (the upper part of the foundation) 御蔵前講中、神田川 (Okuramae Kochu,
Marchi 1992
Edogawaku Board of Education
The Rimains of the Stone Guidepost to Ikazuchi Fudo
It is a cultural asset as a historical record of Edogawaku
The principle image of Shinzoi is called Namikiri Fudo or Ikazuchi Fudo was very popular.
There had been the guidepost describing the way to Ikazudhi Fudo built
in 1818 here on the south bank of the east end of Shinkawa River. But it
was broken in April 1991, then it was repaired and moved to the site in
the guidepost, there are some marks of mooring lines of boats going on Shinkawa River.
[The letters on the Stone Tower]
(Front) 雷不動明王 (Kaminari Fudo Myouo), (Right) 文政元戌寅年6月再建 (rebuilt in June
1818), (Left) 従是南十三丁 (about 1300 meters to the south), (Back) 海松山第十七世鏡融
(Kyoyu, the 17th chief priest of Kashosan),松□忠孝 書 (written by Tadataka
Matsuguchi), (the upper part of the foundation) 御蔵前講中、神田川 (Okuramae Kochu,
Marchi 1992
Edogawaku Board of Education

Ikazuchi Katori Jinja
Ikazuchi Katori Jinja Shrine stands on the south of
Kaishosan Shinzoin Temple. According its historical record, it was built in 1769. And Shipen Musashi
no kuni Fudokiko introduces that it is the guardian deity of Kuwakawa Shinden
Village. The red thick pillars and the beautiful warps on its roofs give
strong impressions. A komainu sitting in front of the hall who has a colorful
ball in its hands is cute, and it welcomes visitors friendly. Why don't
you visit Ikazuchi Jinja Shrine?
Kaishosan Shizoin (Ikazuchi Fudo) and Ikazuchi Katori Jinja
- Kaishosan Shizoin Temple (Ikazuchi Fudo), Ikazuchi Katori Jinja Shrine
and the Rimains of the Stone Signpole to Ikazuchi Fudohave great accessibilities
from both Narita and Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Sobu Express Line bound to Tokyo
or Yokosuka and get off at Funabashi Sta, then transfer the line to Sobu
line bound to Nakano or Mitaka ang get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keisei-line
bound to Ueno and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and
Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off
at Funabori Sta. Or transfer the line at Nishi-funabashi to Tozai line
of Tokyo Metro bound to Nakano or Mitaka, get off Kasai Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, ake Keikyu-line bound to Narita, transfer
the line at Nihonbashi to Tozai line of Tokyo Metro bound to Nishifunabashi,
Tsudanuma or Katsutadai, get off Kasai Sta.
- From Tokyo (Otemachi) Sta, take Tozai line of Tokyo Metro bound to Nishi-funabashi,
Tsudanuma or Katsutadai, get off Kasai Sta.
- Take 17 minute walk from Kasai Sta to Shinzoin and Ikazuchi Katori Jinja, and take 21 minute walk to The Rimains of the Stone Signpole to Ikazuchi Fudo
- Shokakuji : 4-38-9 Higashi Kasai, Edogawaku, Tokyo
- Shokakuji : 4-38-11 Higashi Kasai, Edogawaku, Tokyo
- Nakamachi Jizoson : 1-48-16 Higashi Kasai, Edogawaku, Tokyo
The Sacred Places in Nagashima Kuwakawa in Kasai Daishi
It is said that the principle image of it carved by Gyoki Bosatsu.
There are two koshinto towers in this temple.
Nagashima Takajio Castle had been stood on this site.
It was an old temple built in Muromachi period.
It is famous for the Yakushi who has power to cure eye disease.
Kaichosan Bononji Temple
It has long history from Heian, Kamakura and Edo period.
It has quiet beautiful views while seeing from the gate.
The Sacred Places in Funabori Ukita Kojima in Kasai Daishi
It is famous for having miracle pewer to cure eye diseases.
It is a small shrine but it is one of sacred places belonging to Kasai Daishi Mairi.
The two big stone lanterns and stone statues of Jizos make it beautiful under the blue sky.
A unique gate as its bell tower wonderfully stands in it.
The Sacred Places in Nakamachi Shiden in Kasai Daishi
Nakamachi Jizoson
This Jizoson stands on the corner of busy cross near Kasi Station.
Muryosan Henshochiin Shokakuji Temple
It has a beautiful bell tower.
The Sacred Places in Ikazuchi in Kasai Daishi
Shinzoin Temple
It was popular and been called Ikazuchi and Namikiri Fudo.
The Noted Spots Related to Kasai Daishi Mairi
It is also one of the temples of the 33 pilgrimages of Urayasu Gyotoku.
Seiryu Jinja Shrine in Urayasu
Under Construction
Ikazuchi Katori Jinja Shrine
It has a beautiful hall and cute komainus in it.
It has beautiful gardens and stylish architecters in it.
These areas have some Edo style Landmarks and thousands of Cherry Trees.
The areas along the river have many noted spots that people could enjoy history and culture.