Kintozan Myokakuji Temple in Ichinoe Edogawaku

Kintozan Myokakuji is a temple belonging to
Nichiren Sect standing by
Ichinoe Sakaigawa Water Park in
Edogawaku and it is famous for having a Myokendo Hall that had been on a sandbank called Myokenjima Island in
Edogawa River for several hundred years ago. And this temple has an annex called
Dairokutengu by
Shinnakagawa River. According to Shinpen Musashi Fudokiko, Myokakuji was one of the branch temples of
Nakayama Hokekyoji and it had named Kintosan Tokakuin. It was built by
Chiba Clan. In the temple's records, several generation of the family were appeared
and Tokakuin Nichinzen Ajari was appeared in them. He built this temple
and he was a member of Chiba Family and he was one of the disciples of
Nichiyu the 3rd abbot of Nakayama Hokekyoji. He was died in May 25th of
1344. The principle image was a statue of Shaka Norai, and it has a 30
centimeters tall sitting statue of Nichiren carved by Nichiro dedicated
in the main hall. This sculpture is one of the three statues of Nichiren
by Nichiro in Japan. And it is said that Myokendo Hall in Myokakuji had
been built in 1362,
the Myoken was a sculpture that the successive members of Chiba Family deeply believed
in and dedicated in Myoken Island in Edogawa River. Later it was moved
to Komatugawa Village, then to Ichinoe Village. Now Myokendo Hall stands
the center of the site, but the signboard by the gate tells that the statue
of Myoken at that time is not exist. Moreover, there is a statue of the
Founder Nichiren by the main hall. Myokakuji is a beautiful temple with
some green grass and pain trees. Why don't you visit it?
Myokakuji Temple
Myokakuji Temple
It is a temple named Kintosan Myokakuji Tokakuin belonging to Nichiren
Sect, Tokakuin Ajari Nichizen built this temle in 1284. It is said that
Nichizen was a disciple of Nikko, the second abbot of Nakayama Hokekyoji,
or Nichiyu, the third abbot. Later he studied at Nisshin in Minobu, he
wrote 'Hokke Mondo Gisho'. The statue of the sitting Founder Nichiren was
carved by Nichiro.
■Shihon Bokusho Daimandara / the two large mandalas with black ink on paper
A mandala is generally a picture showing the world of every enlightened
Buddha, there is a rule to draw it. In Nichiren Sect, the letters of the
names of Buddha show the world. The mandala having the letters of 1368
was written by Nichiyu and it was given to Nichiten, the second chief priest
of Myokakuji Temple. The letters of 1327 were written by Nichizen.
March 1990
Edogawaku Board of Education
The Historical Assets in Myokakuji Temple
1, The temple's name is Kintosan Tokakuin Myokakuji
Abuot 700 years ago, this temple was built in 1284 by Tokakuin Ajari Nichizen
who was a nephew of Yoritane Chiba, the sixth leading generation of Chiba
Clan, the leading family to control Shimousa province in the Middle Ages.
It has long history and it had twe branch temples named Senrinbo and Shounbo.
In April 1967, Kaizando Hall was built in the yard by a supporter of this
temple. In May 1982, the guest house and a kitchen house were built by
many supporters' donations as the 700 years passed since the Founder Nichiren
had passed away and this temple had opened.
1, Dairokutengu 3-27-2 Ichinoe Edogawaku Tokyo
Dairokutengu is a shrine that is an annex of the temple on the other area of Ichinoe. About 600 years ago, Nitten, the second chief priest of Myokakuji, built it at night in August 15th of 1368. A 500 years old Chinese Hackberry that is preserved in it is a natural property registered by Edogawaku. The main building was rebuilt in November 1986.
1, Myoken and Hoshimatsuri (Myoken and the star festival)
Myokenjima Island exists in Edogwa River. The principle image of the Myoken in the island had been dedicated in this temple. But it is not.
A supporter who deeply believed Myoken helped to begin Hoshimatsuri Festival in this temple. In December 22nd, the day of the winter solstice, the Myokendo Hall in this temple was built, and the Myoken is dedicated in it.
The good day in December 1986
Written by Nishin Tsuyuki, the 34th chief priest of Kintozan Myokakuji
Kintozan Myokakuji Temple
- Kintozan Myokakuji Temple has great accessibilities from both Narita and
Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Sobu Express Line bound to Tokyo or Yokosuka and get off at Funabashi Sta, then transfer the line to Sobu line bound to Nakano or Mitaka ang get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keisei-line bound to Ueno and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off at Ichinoe Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Shinagawa Sta and transfer the line to Sobu Express line bound to Narita International Airport or Chiba, and transfer the line at Ichikawa Sta to Sob line bound to Nishi Funabashi, Tsudanuma or Chiba and get off at Motoyawata Sta. Or take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Keisei Yawata Sta. Both from Motoyawata Sta and Keisei Yawata Sta, transfer the line to Toei Shinjuku line and get off at Ichinoe Sta.
- From Iwamotocho Station at Akihabara, take Toei Shijuku line bound to Motoyawata and get off Ichinoe Sta.
- Take 12 minute walk from Ichinoe Sta.
- 6-19-10 Ichinoe, Edogawaku, Tokyo
The statues of the Founder Nichiren in Nakayama Shimousa
It is one of the oldest temples amoung Nichirenshu.
It is a famous temple having a gate with thick thatched roof.
It dedicates Shinabi Jizo that has miracle power to cure skin.
The garden in this old temple has many seasonal flowers.
It has some cultural assets and was built in Kamakura period.
Kintozan Myokakuji Temple
It is preserving the Myoken having been in Myoken Jima.
It has some historical records of Shisibone Edogawaku.
It has the picture of Daikokuten drawn by the Founder Nichiren.
A big powerful statue of the founder Nichiren standing in it.
It was built by Norinobu Soya, Nichiren's first three supporter.
This old temple was built by one of Nichiren's disciples.
It has over the 650 years history in Ono Ichikawa Chiba.
It is a very famous temple called Sakura no Reijo.