Visiting Shichifukujin (the seven gods for good fortune) is very popular among Japan. It is popular in Ichikawa City, too. The temples where dedicate Shichifukujin stand in north and middle parts of the city, it means that it is little bit wide to visit in one day on foot. But, by bicycle, it is very easy to visit as in one day trip. The total distance to go them is less than 17 kilo-meters long. It is good for cycling in a day. Therefore, I suggest an idea how to visit them by bicycle in this page. Moreover, it is good for you to ride an electrically assisted bicycle to go on the route since there are some hills in northern parts of Ichikawa City. And spring is the best season for you to enjoy visiting Shichifukujin in Ichikawashi since there are some noted spots for seeing sakura blossoms, and of course, they are also introduced in this page. Please enjoy cycling.
A slide video showing Ichikawa Shichifukujin in spring is below. Please
watch it in You Tube.
The first temple is Kokubunsan Kokubunji that dedicates the statue of Bishamonten. In spring, some cherry blossoms decorate the red niomon gate beautifully.
Now, you go out of a parking space of Kokubunji and turn to the left, then
you turn to the right at the signboard of the temple on its fence and go
on the road, you reach at traffic signals on 'Ichikawa Kita IC Minami'
You go across the cross and you find a small river called Kokubungawa River and you turn to the right and go along the river. Soon after you find Ichikawa Subaru High School on your left along the river, it joins to Mamagawa River. Next you turn to the left and go along Mamagawa River under lined cherry trees, so it is one of the most popular spots for viewing cherry blossoms in Ichikawashi.
And Showa Gakuin School stands both sides of the river, and you pass the
school, you reach at two-lanes street, then you turn to the left and climb
up a slope road by a bus stop of 'Miyakubo Sakashita'. Now you could find
the second temple, Nyoisan Syoganji Temple that dedicates the statue of Ebisuten is behind the bus stop.
After going out of Shoganji, you go down the slope where you had climbed
up several minutes ago, and you find a stone steps of Shirahata Jinja Shrine on your left along the slope road.
The shrine stands on a cliff and its approach road has lined charry trees
that bloom in spring are dramatically beautiful. Now you turn to the left
at a corner under the shrine. You go on the road under it several minutes,
you find Koenji Temple famous for Choju Fiji (a beautiful wisteria tree).
After passing at Koenji, you go on the road and reach at a forked road.
You go to the right, you find a junior high school on your left, then you
find a hospital on your right. You go across a traffic signal and go straight,
then you turn to the right at an elementary school and turn to the left
at the next corner. So you go on the outskirt of the school. And you continue
to go straight, you find two large ponds on your left. They are in Kozato Koen Park that has many cherry trees surrounding the two ponds.
You turn to the left and go on the road in between the north and the south
pond and climb up the slope road. You find a signboard that tells the direction
to the third temple, Kaigensan Honshoji Temple that dedicates the statue of Daikokuten. Soon after you turn to the right, you find Honshoji on your right.
Now you go back to the signboard and you turn to the right there, and you turn to the right again at the next traffic signal, then you go down the slope road a few minutes, you find Ichikawa Oono Station before. You pass the station and you climb up the slope road so you find Honkoji Temple on your left and you turn to the right at the traffic signal by the temple.
And you go on the road a minute, you find the fourth temple, Oonosan Jokoji dedicating a statue of Bishamonten on your left.
Now you go across the traffic signal where stands in front of the gate
of the temple. And you go straight and go across a bridge over JR Musashino
Line, you find Manyo Botanical Garden on your left. The garden has some cherry blossoms, but a lined Cherry
trees along the steps to the garden is amazingly beautiful.
Anyway, you go out of Jokoji, and turn to the right, and go down the slope
road until you find a blue signboard below.
You turn to the right, so you go to the opposite direction of the signboard.
You pass through an elevated railroad of JR Musashino Line, and you find
Oogashiwagawa River on your left, so you go across the river since it is
as safe as you ride on your bicycle, and you continue to go along the river.
After several minutes, you find a bus stop of Ichikawa Higashikoko Iriguchi
(near Ichikawa Higashi High School) and Kainohanabashi Bridge (a picture
below). Then you turn to the left at the bridge and you find the high school
on your right.
And you go into a narrow path on an underdrain starting from in front of
the main gate of the high school. Anyway, there are many cherry trees lined
along the school and the narrow path. In spring, they are very beautiful.
Passing by a pond and a baseball ground, you reach at a road, then you
turn to the right, then you turn to the right again at the next traffic
signal. Now you find the fifth temple, Ryukyosan Myoshoji dedicates two statues, Jurojin and Fukurokuju.
After going out of Myoshoji, you turn to the left, then you turn to the
right at the next traffic signal and you climb up the slope road. You reach
at a big cross by Nakayama Horse Race. First, you go across the road and
stand by the gate of the Horse Race, then you go across it again. Now you
stand by parking of it. You go on a road in the parking, you find the gate
of Keyaki Park, then you turn to the right and go on 'Okera Kaido'.
You go on Okera Kaido Way, you find a signboard of Nakayama Okunoin (a picture upper right in below), you turn to the left. You can see the
sixth temple, Nakayama Okunoin dedicates Benzaiten before.
Okunoin is very famous for ume blossoms, so it has some ume trees in it.
From late February to early March, small red and white blossoms paint the
temple with sweet smell. It has a few Kawazu Sakura trees.
Now you go back to Okera Kaido way, you continue to go down it, you find
a gojunoto on your right, it is Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple. It is one of the most popular spots for viewing sakura blossoms in Ichikawa
Either going through an approach road of Nakayama Hokekyoji or going on
the outskirt of it, you could reach at the Niomon Gate, and you go down the slope road running in front of the gate.
Then you pass through the black gate and a railway crossing by Keisei Nakayama
Station under the slope and you turn to the right at the cross at the Route
And you turn to the left at the second traffic signal, then you go straight
and go across Shinkawabashi Bridge over Mamagawa River, so you go on Shinkawa-dori
Street, finally you find blue signboard of 新川通り (a picture in below) and
turn to the left at it.
You turn to the right at the next traffic signal, and you climb up Ogirihararikkyo over Keiyo Highway. Then you go on the road, and you meet a road running from Baraki Nakayama Station, and you go into the left road and pass through the elevated railroad of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line.
You go on the road a few minute, you find a red building before. It is
the seventh temple, Kaigansan Anyoji that dedicates Hoteison.
Anyoji is also twelfth temple joining to the 33 Pilgrimages in Gyoto and
Urayasu. Now visiting the pilgrimages might be on foot since the most of
temples stand near in each other, and you could enjoy seeing Gyotoku and
The trip of 'Let's Go To Ichikawa Shichifukujin By Bicycle!' is over now.
You go back to the road and turn to the right at the elevated railroad,
then you go along the railroad, you could reach at Tokyo Metro Tozai Line
Baraki Nakayama Station. But if you have more time and power, I recommend
you to go to the eighth temple, Shokokusan Myououji that dedicates all the seven gods of good fortune in its site.
Going out of Anyoji, you turn to the left and go on the road, finally you
find a highway in front of you.
Then you turn to the right and you go along the highway. Over the highway, you could see the bank of Edogawa River. It means that you go along the river. You go across the highway at the third traffic signal and go on the road, and you find a bridge over the river, it is Shingyotokubashi Bridge.
You climb up a narrow path to the bank under the bridge and climb up the
slope to the bridge and go across the river. You could see great views
from the bridge. In fine day, you could see Mt. Fuji on your right.
You find 4 temples at the next traffic signal. Tokuganji is the first temple of the pilgrimates stands on your right just before
you. Myououji is behind it. Jounji that has some interesting stories stands on your left just before you.
Choshoji is the third temple of the pilgrimages is behind it.
Now, you go back to Teramachi Street and go across the next cross, then
you find the elevated railroad of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, so that is Myoden
Thank you for seeing this page!
* This cycling course is only my idea that I usually go there at once by
my bicycle. In addition, I suggest as safe road that everybody could ride
on. And I'm sorry for you if I miss the direction on this essay, if so,
you should use some maps on your smart phone.