Let's go to see cluster amaryllis and fragrant olive blossoms by bicycle!

cluster amaryllises and
fragrant olive blossoms bloom almost at the same season. And some noted spots have both flowers
in their site. Then, this page 'Let's go to see cluster amaryllis and fragrant
olive blossoms by bicycle in
Ichikawashi and
Edogawaku!' is uploaded. It is very graceful that this page is helpful for you to
go to the spots by bicycle.
The noted spots are listed below.
1. Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple
2. Shirahata Jinja Shrine
3. Suwada Koen Park
4. Edogawa River
5. Zenyoji Temple
6. Shinozaki Koen Park
7. Ichinoe Sakaigawa Water Park
8. Shinkawa River
9. Furukawa Water Park
10. Myoshoji Temple
The order of this list is only my idea since I live in Nakayama area. Therefore, it is free for you where you start. Please keep road etiquette and your health while going on cycling.
Anyway, this site is 'Walk in Nakayama Shimousa', then, it begins from
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple.

There are some red flowers of cluster amaryllis blooming in the site, and
orange blossoms of fragrant olive stands by
Ugajindo and the stone bridge connecting to
Hachidai Ryuodo in Hokekyoji Temple.
Now let's start. Turn the left of the road running by the parking space
opened by Ryuoike ponds in the temple, and climb up the slope to Kiorosu
Kaido Highway. There is a junior high school near the end of the slope
road. Then across the highway, you go into the narrow road and you find
a two-lane road. Turn left the two-lane road, it descends and there is
a traffic signal near the end of the slope, therefore, please go down slowly
and carefully. Go down to the road a few minutes, you find
Mamagawa River, you cross the river and turn right and go along the river on the west bank of it. Finding an irrigation canal flowing to the river at Sankakubashi bridge, you will turn the right and cross the river to go straight. At the end of the road, you find
Shirahata Jinja Shrine on the hill.

The shrine has hundreds of red cluster amaryllises along its approach roads and a few fragrant olive trees in its site.
Now continue to go along Mamagawa River, it is safe if you go on the south
bank of it. Turn the right at a bridge before Mama Elementary School and
Ukishima Benzaiten Shrine and cross it, and if you turn left at the crossroad and go straight the road, you find
Kamiiin Temple and
Tekona Reishindo Shrine, and you go through them, you reach at the stone steps of
Mamasan Guhoji Temple. Anyway,after you cross the river, and go straight the crossroad and go straight again at a forked road, you find
Yoshizawa Garden Gallery there and turn the right at the forked road and climb up the slope road,
you reach at
Suwada Koen Park.

There are many cluster amaryllises blooming in the park.
Then back to Mamagawa River and go to the west, you would reach at
Edogawa River soon. Before you reach at the river, you find Konodai Station of Keisei
Line, the area is good for you to have lunch because there could be some
fine restaurants and cafes near the station since thousands of students
uses the station every day.
Going on the bank of Edogawa River to the south and you go through a tunnel
under the rails of Keisei Line, and go up to the bank again, you find Ichikawabashi
Bridge across the river after passing through the remains of
the barrier at Ichikawa. (Don't go down the road at the flood plain along it since there are no
way to climb up the bank near the bridge.) After across the bridge, soon
after you go down the west bank of the river at Edogawaku to go to the
south along it at its flood plain, you could see millions of red cluster
amaryllises blooming on the green bank side.

The flowers blooms on it almost 2 kilometers long by the bridge across the river of Keiyo Highway. If you find the bridge, you climb up the bank and go to the north, so you could see the cluster amaryllises different passion. It is very dramatic view that there are the red flowers, green grass under the blue sky. Seeing the bridge of Sobu Line, you could find a hospital on the left and you go down the bank to the residential areas, you go to the south again and after passing the hospital, you could find
Zenyoji Temple that is famous for
Yoko no Matsu Pine tree that is a tremendously huge tree is a National Heritage.

There are some cluster amaryllises blooming under the pine tree and the
main gate of the temple.
Let's continue the cycling, you go to the south again on the road under the bank, you will reach at the dead end, then you will turn the right and go through a narrow path before the dead end. So, you go through several houses and you turn the left the first corner of the path, you find some big trees of
Shinozaki Koen Park in front of you.

Go on a north road along the outskirt of the park, you could fine dawn
redwoods, behind the woods there are a lined gingko trees, and a dozen
of fragrant olive trees bloom behind the gingko trees. And you could also
find red cluster amaryllis flowers bloom along a path running along the
east side of the park.
Now start cycling again, you go to the east from Shinozaki Koen, so you
reach at Shibamata Kaido Highway. Turn to the left and go to the south
on Shibamata Kaido, you find an elevated highway road of Keiyodoro Highway.
Turn to the right at the crossroad under the elevated highway road and
go to the east along the highway road. If you turn to the right at the
forth signal of the road and you turn the left soon after turning right,
now there is a large Japanese style architecture in front of you, that
Ichinoe Nanushi Yashiki. Now if you turn to the left at the signal and you go to the street by
the second signal after the turning, you find a temple that is called
Yakushadera means there are many graves of Kabuki Actors in it. And if you go straight
at the signal and go across a bridge and cross six-lane road called Kanjo
Nanago Highway, you find a big tall blue signboard that has Kanji letters
on it tells
Ichinoe Sakaigawa Water Park and soon after you go along its stream you find
Ichinoe Makkotei Residence on your right.

A stream is Ichinoe Sakaigawa Water Park. You go along the stream, you
find a Hachiman Shrine,
Mouonji Temple is behind the shrine.

Go along it, you pass a signal, and you find some cluster amaryllis there
and you could find a big roof of a temple on your left, it is
Choshoji Temple. Pass a small pond for kids playing and a small shrine, you will go across
a road. You could see several thousand bunches of orange blossoms on fragrant
olive trees that are lined along the path running along the stream. And
also several cluster amaryllis bloom along it. If you go along the stream,
finally, you reach at
Shinkawa River.

Turn to the left at the river, so you go to the east and find cluster amaryllis bloom by the water of the river after near Shinkawabashi Bridge. Crossing a signal at the north of Shinkawabashi Bridge, you find
Furukawa Water Park on your left.

Now, you go along the stream of Furukawa Water Park. Cross the signal and pass a red bridge, you find a small hill, there are several fragrant olive trees in front of the hill. There is a small hat on the hill, so you enjoy smelling the fragrant olive blossoms if you take a rest there. By the way,
Myokoji Temple stands before the red bridge. Anyway, Yakushadera, Ichinoe Makkotei, Myouonji,
Choshoji and Myokoji have some cluster amaryllis in their site.
Now you reach at the six-lane road of Kanjo Nanago Highway again, you little go down to the south and you cross the signal there, there is two roads in front of you. You go to the narrow road on the left, after you pass through an elementary school, you find
Ninoe Jinja Shrine with several tall pine trees on your left, then you turn to the left at
the corners of the east side of the shrine and go straight along it, and
you cross a small bridge and you reach at
Ninoe Myoshoji Temple.

Passing through the main gate of the temple, you find a tall fragrant olive tree there with sweet smell.
A short trip 'Let's go to see cluster amaryllis and fragrant olive blossoms by bicycle!' will be over soon. Anybody who has tried this trip with your own bicycle would go to the east along Furukawa Water Park, you will find Kyuedogawa River. Anybody who has done the trip with a sharing bicycle, you would go north along the 6 lanes road, you will reach at Ichinoe Station.
This trip by bicycle could be all right?
Thank you for read this page.
* This cycling course is only my idea that I usually go there at once by my bicycle. In addition, I suggest as safe road that everybody could ride on. And I'm sorry for you if I miss the direction on this essay, if so, you should use some maps on your smart phone.
The Maps to see fragrant olive blossoms and cluster amaryllis flowers
Riding on a Bicycle in Nakayama Shimousa
Cluster Amaryllis
Let's go to the spots having some cluster amaryllis and fragrant olive blossoms by bicycle!
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